Nine players from last season’s squad are retained for the 2024-25 season. We get underway tomorrow with our new signings released today and our previous signings during pre-season, Alex Harris, Reegan Messenger, and Harry White the FA Cup beckons against Newcastle Town at 3 pm.

The lads who have decided to stay on for another season, (Michael O’Regan, Ethan Moran, Aaron Heap, Alfie Dunn, Jordy N’Gathe, Rhys Bennett, Daniel Djurovic, Amer Awadh, Toby Raison) I cannot thank you enough commented Mike Ford.

It’s been a challenging summer regarding recruitment, Ford continued, this group is the lifeblood of the team. They know what they are stepping into, another tough season with expectations high, I’m sure they will all do the club proud.